
The Flight Mode Method Membership

The Flight Mode Method Community

The ripple effect of this work is a kinder, more inclusive dance industry where artists are valued and free to be who they truly are.


Finding Your Value

November, December, January

Aligning Your Focus

February, March, April

Illuminating Your Creativity

May, June, July

Pinpointing Your Strategy

August, September, October

Start your Membership

Welcome to the Family

The Flight Mode Method app creates a welcoming space of connection and community.

Welcoming-The app creates a welcoming space free from judgement, where people know there's no risk to being their true, authentic selves.

Congruent-Big ambitions are balanced by a clear sense of purpose, and a radical simplicity of communication.

Liberated-Free from constraints, expectations or traditions with a strong sense of momentum. The app pushes boundaries and challenges the world as you see it.

Visionary-The app captures the joy of knowing that anything is possible, and that creativity can solve almost any problem.

The Flight Mode Method Membership includes:

  • One monthly video from Rachel providing her tools and techniques to formulate your practice.

  • Journalling questions to support the monthly video by Rachel.

  • Empowering voice notes to support your daily practice from Rachel.

  • One monthly two hour zoom call facilitated by Rachel to meet with the community and strengthen your practice.

  • 10% off Flight Mode Method intensives, retreats & 1-2-1's.

The Values - Conviction, Community, Connection

Congruence lies at the heart of this practice. A harmony of purpose, values & joy that fuels self-empowerment & conviction. Our power lies in the collective. I bring together like-minded individuals to chart & champion a path to navigating change in our industry. Connecting to oneself means rediscovering your joy and purpose. In turn, this catalyses connection to others through love and aligned purpose.

Annual membership

Course runs from the 1st November each year
12 months £200
Join our community

Join Quarterly

Next quarter starts on 1st Nov: Finding Your Value
3 months £65
Join our community

Themes Explained

Finding Your Value-

Aligning Your Focus-

Illuminating Your Creativity-

Pinpointing Your Strategy-

You will receive a video from Rachel on that month's theme ie VALUES with questions to explore and develop your practice. These videos and tools will provide you the strategies to pin point your year, to bring your creative visions to life on a daily, monthly and yearly basis.

Most facilitators focus on helping artists realise their creative vision. With the Flight Mode app, we go deeper.

We look at your core being and how to amplify your individuality. You'll gain clarity on your values and how to align these to your culture and purpose. Together, we'll build compassion and conviction for yourself and what you want to create in the world.

Through this clarity and conviction we create forward momentum towards a long and sustainable career path truly aligned to you.

Video Testimonial

As a veteran of the dance industry, I've done things the hard way. Like you, I've been frustrated and worn down by the boxes the industry has tried to put me in and felt depleted in my joy for something I once loved.

I developed the Flight Mode Method app because I know it doesn't have to be this way. Your gift is that you are many things, despite the industry telling you to only be one. And you can build a creative practice and career in the arts that aligns with the many facets of who you are.

I know this because I am many things, and I have achieved a sustainable, fulfilling career. One that is true to my values and purpose, and a path that brings me joy. With the Flight Mode Method app, I show you how I have done this and give you the tools to achieve the same.